I wanted to take a minute to reintroduce myself and share part of my story with you around my own Burn out in business and how my dad passing last year completely shifted my life.
I went from burnt out network marketer to now Intuitive Human Design Business Strategist & Empowerment Coach. Through my network marketing business I truly got to FIND MYSELF. I went through so many experiences to find what was NOT working and paved my own path. I went from following the shoulds and "rules" to making my OWN rules and adopted the mentality of learning not to give a f*ck!
I built to a top rank in my company only to find that the hustle and grind really wasn't working. Sure, I was making money, getting results, but when I stopped to get honest with myself...really honest...I truly wasn't happy.
I walked a stage in front of 40,000 people only to sit down and realize that I was actually so EMPTY on the inside. I didn't want to do this business alone and I truly wasn't happy. I was burnt out and finally admitted it.
So this had me thinking...I am getting results but look at what this is costing me... I wasn't present with my kids, I was completely burnt out, I was on my phone 24/7, had zero boundaries. It was as if people could just call the 1-800 Call Jen Hotline and I'd always answer so that I could "make a sale" or "close the deal". I was chasing vs. attracting and it wasn't REALLY working because the biggest piece to my business that was missing was my HAPPINESS and PEACE.
Everything felt hard, fast paced, and like I was lit on fire running a race as fast as I could to get to the finish line. I was not enjoying the journey because I was so focused on the end result.
Through my experience of what was not working I wanted to help people shift and see that there is a different way to run a business.
I was done with sacrificing my own health and decided to completely shift things and listen to my intuition- I allowed myself to lean in and LISTEN. This journey has allowed me to lean into the self trust that was missing because I was told to follow other people..and I did... even though my body was screaming to do it my way. I didn't know how to lean in and harness my own power until one day I decided that I was done feeling the anger (not self theme) and something needed to change. I got VERY honest with myself, but there was still fear in the way of me fully stepping into my power.
It wasn't until my dad tragically passed away March 22, 2021 that EVERYTHING SHIFTED. When I saw death right in front of me I was Shook to my core. The message I received that night was WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? I knew that my work here was so much BIGGER. I put aside the story of needing to chase and rank and was ready to follow my dreams. I knew that people needed to hear my experiences and that I needed to pave the path first to allow others that permission as well. This was when I birthed my Coaching Business and said YES to myself.
I started doing team calls and showing up doing Monday Masterminds where I taught about Human Design, Business Strategy, and guided others in running a business that was in alignment. Women finally had a place to come and to hear that they don't need to keep running their business in a way that doesn't feel good. They can choose their HAPPINESS AND also get results.
I then went on to launch 1-1 session opportunities and had my first 3k Launch with a Human Design Bootcamp and then created my Signature Program Your Inner Compass which is an entire Program focused on Simplifying Human Design, understanding the conditioning, and how to actually go through the process of deconditioning.
What was different this time with my coaching business? I was truly HAPPY and I have been able to experience Peace, Ease, Flow, Fun, AND RESULTS. I am Proof to you that It can be Easy. Your business does not have to be hard.
I have also brought this energy into my network marketing business and will be doing another rebirth of that business and this time with my Human Design twist going through all of the types and guiding others to understand how to have the success they desire without sacrificing their own HEALTH and well-being.
I have so many different ideas and am a natural innovator and Initiator. I See the Big Vision. I can helping You Merge Energetics of HD with "OMG this feels SO good" Biz Strategy to Embody the Business of Your Dreams.
If this email at all moved you and you want more I invite you to follow me on instagram @jenrambala and also stay connected through email. Know that if my approach doesn't resonate with you that it is always ok to opt-out of my emails.
As a 6/3 Manifestor, I know that my energy is Bold and I activate people at a deep level. If you are here for this type of energy get ready.
I want you to know that we are on this journey together and I am so committed to paving a path of least resistance and showing you HOW by going first.
I wanted to thank you for reading a little bit about my story. I hope that it inspired you in some way. My wish is to change the way entrepreneurs run their business so it can be aligned and you can also get results with doing what you truly LOVE.
It is our birth right to have FUN and to PLAY.
We get to have BOTH- Play and Results.
With so much love and gratitude,
Jen xoxo